GSI International

Operations In London | Madrid | San Francisco | Tampa

Sustaining Workforce

On a Global Level


Social responsibility is a core value of our culture at Geographic Solutions. We strive to develop an innovative ecosystem of software solutions that globally supports individuals seeking employment.


In this picture, a central handshake symbolizing a buisness agreement, surrounded by interconnected circular images depicting various business activities such as working on laptops, group meetings, and using a calculator. The overall image conveys themes of networking, teamwork, and professional collaboration;

Workforce Development

  • Case Management
  • Job Boards
  • Reporting
In this picture, a pair of green sneakers with white laces placed on a pavement marked with several white arrows pointing in various directions, symbolizing different choices or decision points

Education Road Mapping

  • Career Planning
  • Pathways for Apprenticeships
  • Trade Schools, and Universities
In this picture, an illistration featuring the word FINTECH in the center surrounded by financial and technology related icons including currency symbols, gears, a cloud, and a graph. The icons are interconnected with lines and nodes, symbolizing a network. A hand is shown below the icons

Financial Technology

  • Providing Payment Processing for Customers
In this picture, a person typing on a laptop keyboard with colorful digital data visualizations including bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts overlaid on top, set against a dark backgroup, symbolizing a focus on statistical or financial data analysis

Labour Market Intelligence

  • Economic Development
  • Trend Analysis & Predictions

Our Mission: We strive to develop innovative software that improves the efficiency and effectiveness of career and workforce development agencies and their partners on a global scale.

Advanced Security Measures

To Keep Your Information Safe


Geographic Solutions adheres to a detailed risk assessment and defense process to properly define requirements and design appropriate security solutions. Our comprehensive security program is an integral part of our product design and development lifecycle. We maintain a strong focus on data Confidentiality, Availability, and Integrity (CIA) to ensure the satisfaction of all client security policies.  


The security architecture we have established leverages an integrated set of enterprise services so that our clients can focus on business goals rather than security implementation. We have a dedicated team of experienced operations staff that handle all of the security measures, database maintenance, and system upgrades for each of our client sites.



Cyber Essentials Plus Certified

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed certification scheme that helps keep your organisation’s and your customers’ data safe from cyber attacks.

The NCSC recommends Cyber Essentials as the minimum standard of cyber security for all organisations.

Cyber Essentials guards against the most common cyber attacks. Having Cyber Essentials controls in place can help keep digital assets and stored data safe

Cyber Essentials Plus Certification is a combination of self-assessment and independent audits. Geographic Solutions has passed the Cyber Essentials Plus which means its products have gone through more rigorous, independent technical testing.

ISO 27001:2022 Certified

Geographic Solutions carries certifications for International Organization for Standards: ISO/IEC 27001:2022 (adherence with 27017:2015, 27018:2019, 27701:2019, 22301:2019, 20000-1:2018, 9001:2015)

ISO Standards are internationally agreed upon by global experts in making a product, managing process and delivering services or supplying materials that come from a unified body and wisdom of people with expertise in their subject matter to ensure solutions conform to industry best practices globally.

The ISO/IEC 27001 standard provides companies of any size and from all sectors of activity with guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining and continually improving an information security management system.

Conformity with ISO/IEC 27001 means that an organization or business has put in place a system to manage risks related to the security of data owned or handled by the company, and that this system respects all the best practices and principles enshrined in this International Standard.

Industry and Global Affiliations

Aligned for Economic Growth


We’re aligned with many of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals. By contributing to educational institutions, food banks, shelters, and medical organizations in the places where we work and live, we support communities and individuals in marginalized positions. Our unique productivity modules help promote economic growth, high-quality wages, and healthier societies by serving international governments, universities, and labour market researchers.


Our software also aligns with the Net Zero Strategy for building, sustaining, and being a champion for Net Zero. We have made it a priority to ensure that green jobs are available and promoted through our specialized job assistance portals that focus and promote careers in the green jobs industry. Within our entire product line, jobs associated as green-friendly get special designations.


Our next-generation software guides individuals along their employment journey into rewarding careers by aiding white and blue collar professionals. It assists military personnel transitioning to civilian jobs, supports persons with vocational rehabilitation needs, automates farmworker programs, and helps the justice-involved shift to civilian positions. Our platform ensures efficient operation of social services, and provides unemployment payment processing and fraud prevention at scale.

Holding Ourselves and Our Partners

To the Highest Standard


Geographic Solutions is committed to the principle of treating everyone fairly and consistently, creating a workplace and business environment that is open, transparent, and trusted. We have a zero-tolerance position on violations of individuals' basic human rights, and in particular, support the aims and remedies encoded within the International Labour Organization Convention No. 29 on Forced Labour and the United Kingdom's Modern Slavery Act of 2015.


We hold all our partners and affiliations accountable, and we immediately address concerns if we suspect that they are not upholding the principles enshrined within our zero-tolerance position on violations of basic human rights and within international legislation. This applies to all personnel employed by or engaged to provide services to Geographic Solutions, including, but not limited to, employees, officers, and temporary employees of Geographic Solutions and Geographic Solutions' U.S. and international subsidiaries, and independent contractors.



Through strategic partnerships and affiliations, we can scale the impact of our software even further than initially imagined. Below are just a few of the industry organizations that we have aligned our company with.


A Global Perspective

To Software Development


At Geographic Solutions we place high value on having a diverse team – offering different perspectives and experience as it pertains to software development. Having an extremely diverse team has played in our favor. Our team members bring different skills, talents, and lived experience to their work which fosters a creative and innovative environment. Many of these perspectives have enabled us to leverage our U.S.-based software and adapt it to varying global markets.


The map below gives a visual representation of how globally diverse our team really is.


In this image is a map with countries highlighted blue if Geographic Solutions has a employee with that country as their origion showcasing the diverse droup of employee's at Geographic Solutions