International Solutions

Explore Our Software Solutions

Tailored to all Aspects of Employment


Geographic Solutions specializes in developing and maintaining online software for the workforce development, economic development, education, corrections, human services, and unemployment insurance industries. Regardless of the industry or the individuals being served, the goal is the same – to equip those seeking employment with the tools they need to find quality, high-paying jobs that meet not only their skills, but their career interests as well. All our systems meet the underlying goal of reducing dependence on unemployment benefits, inspiring career exploration, and encouraging economic stability.

In this picture, a central handshake symbolizing a buisness agreement, surrounded by interconnected circular images depicting various business activities such as working on laptops, group meetings, and using a calculator. The overall image conveys themes of networking, teamwork, and professional collaboration

Workforce Development

Today’s workforce development efforts require a collaborative approach between workforce agencies and service providers to close the skills gap, increase job placements, reduce unemployment durations, and ultimately strengthen economic development initiatives. Our Commercial Off-The-Shelf solution has transformed the way career centers deliver services to job seekers and employers.

    • Self-Service and Staff-Assisted Labour Exchange
    • Streamlined Case Management and Reporting
    • Document and Event Management
    • Advanced Job and Résumé Aggregation
    • Dynamic Matching Technology
    • Training and Educational Resources
    • Résumé and Letter Builders
    • Skills and Interest Assessments
    • Labour Market Information
    • Specialized Job Assistance Sites
    • Time-Saving Registration and Communication Tools

Education and Apprenticeships

Education providers and apprenticeships play a key role in preparing today’s workforce. Current market trends suggest the recognized need to link education to economic demand to ensure better service delivery and employment outcomes for students. Students must have the skills, training, and education to achieve their career goals, while local employers must be able to hire, develop, and retain a competitive workforce. Successful career development and employment outcomes for students require institutions to provide relevant career guidance while working in partnership with local employers to supply a pipeline of talent that meets demand.

    • Self-Assessments and Career Exploration
    • Apprenticeships
    • Employment Preparation Tools
    • Education Planning and Financial Aid Resources
    • Career Guidance and Tracking for Counselors
    • Integrated Labour Market Information and Trends
    • Workforce Board and Employer Engagement
In this picture, a pair of green sneakers with white laces placed on a pavement marked with several white arrows pointing in various directions, symbolizing different choices or decision points
In this picture, a signpost at a crossroads features two arrows: the left arrow is labeled 'Recidivism' and is set against dark stormy clouds, while the right arrow is labeled 'Opportunity' and is contrasted by clear, blue skies. The image symbolizes a choice between negative outcomes and positive possibilities

Prisons and Corrections

Individuals who have been incarcerated at some point in their life often face significant barriers to employment post release. These barriers present challenges that greatly contribute to the rate of recidivism. Quite often, ex-offenders lack a certain level of education, or skills required to gain and maintain employment. Engaging individuals in training opportunities and secure job search activity prior to release has resulted in significant positive outcomes in their transition back to society and the workforce. Giving individuals access to the following tools helps individuals find a purpose and focus their attention on being productive, wage-earning individuals – a critical stabilizing factor that breaks the cyclical nature of recidivism.

    • Secure, User-Friendly Interface
    • Simplified Job Searches
    • Skills and Interest Assessments
    • Résumé and Letter Builder
    • Labour Market Trends
    • Education and Training Resources
    • Participant Tracking and Reporting


Veterans Portal assists veterans and their families in making the transition from active duty to civilian-life employment. Traditionally, veterans job seekers bring strong work ethics, discipline, accountability, and added value to company culture. The portals are a gateway for services and information and matches veterans with jobs based on their military skills and Military Occupation Code (MOC). The sites also feature veteran-friendly employers.

    • Valuable Veteran Resources
    • Registration and Résumé Creation
    • Career Search by Branch of Service
    • Veteran-Friendly Employment Designations
In this picture, a close-up image of an individual in a military uniform with a NATO patch on the shoulder. The person is equipped with a tactical vest.
In this picture, a individual dressed in a striped shirt and an orange apron, is working at a checkout counter holding a payment terminial for customer in a retail store.

Individuals with Disabilities

We believe in eliminating boundaries in information technology, making new opportunities available for individuals with barriers, and encouraging them to reach their employment goals. Our software is accessible to all individuals, regardless of ability or disability. Our solutions are fully compliant and work to help agencies improve service delivery to participants in human services programs.

    • Participant Eligibility and Enrollment
    • Activities and Services
    • Alerts and Notifications
    • Case Notes and Correspondence
    • Attendance and Service Tracking
    • Appointment Scheduling
    • Case Closure and Follow-Up

Food Stamps

The SNAP E&T (Food Stamps) Module helps staff assist able-bodied program participants with gaining the skills, training, and/or experience they need to decrease their dependence on SNAP assistance. The Module offers various case management tools designed to help staff guide participants in their quest towards self-sufficiency. The module includes support of appointment setting capabilities, as well as program application and participation through the gathering of required application information. Staff can assist individuals in completing the basic data and determining the services best suited to their needs.

    • Initial Enrollment
    • Participation Record
    • Activities and Services Enrollment
    • Training and Resources
    • Credential and Employment Tracking
    • Program Exit and Follow-Up
    • Reporting Measures
In this picture, a close up image of a person's hand holding a credit card near a payment terminal on a counter, ready to complete a transaction.
In this picture, a person typing on a laptop keyboard with colorful digital data visualizations including bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts overlaid on top, set against a dark backgroup, symbolizing a focus on statistical or financial data analysis

Labour Market Intelligence

The data that supports our labour market information products provides career guidance to job seekers and quantitative analysis to employers, counselors, and economic development staff. Access to labour market information helps employers make informed decisions when advertising jobs and recruiting talent. Employers also need current data to make key decisions that can affect the future of their business, such as relocating to a specific area. Job seekers can explore specific occupations and industries, helping them evaluate how suitable the jobs they are looking at are given their personal interests, skills, education, and desired salary.

    • Advertised Jobs and Candidate Data
    • Detailed Labour Market Profiles for All Users
    • In-Context Employment Statistics in Job Orders
    • Visually-Appealing Graphs, Maps, and Reports
    • Side-by-Side Occupation and Industry Comparisons
    • Customizable Dashboard with Quick Access to Tools
    • Comprehensive Analysis of Current and Past Trends
    • User-Friendly Tools for Fast and Accurate Data Displays

Data Hosting and Security

Geographic Solutions adheres to a detailed risk assessment and defense process to properly define requirements and design appropriate security solutions. Our comprehensive security program is an integral part of our product design and development lifecycle. We maintain a strong focus on data Confidentiality, Availability, and Integrity (CIA) to ensure the satisfaction of all client security policies. The security architecture we have established leverages an integrated set of enterprise services so that our clients can focus on business goals rather than security implementation. We have a dedicated team of experienced operations staff that handle all of the security measures, database maintenance, and system upgrades for each of our client sites.

    • Cost Control
    • Full Redundancy
    • Optimized Hosting Service
    • Comprehensive Support
    • Rapid Resolution of Issues
    • Easy Upgrades and Flexibility
    • Multiple Testing Environments
    • Disaster Recovery Capability
In this picture, a large padlock glowing blue with intricate circit patterns on its surface. The padlock has a keyhole with a dark background. The design symobolizes cybersecurity and digital protection.

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