VOS Connect

Complete Integration and Tracking

Across All Employment and Training Partner Programs


In today's complex landscape, states face the challenge of providing efficient and effective services to their citizens. The division of services across various state programs often leads to inefficiencies, inconsistencies, and a lack of comprehensive oversight. A unified approach to case management can address these challenges and improve the overall delivery of services.


In support of a fully integrated approach, VOS Connect serves as a unified case management system to streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and improve service delivery.


By integrating data from various state programs into a single system via interfaces, VOS Connect provides a comprehensive view of each individual's needs to ensure access to the right services and resources. Additionally, a single data hub can help protect sensitive data by implementing robust security measures. Key benefits of this customer-centered module include:

VOS Connect Logo


  • Improved Efficiency – Streamlining workflows and reducing administrative burdens.
  • Enhanced Collaboration – Facilitating communication and information sharing between different programs.
  • Personalized Service Delivery – Tailoring services to individual needs based on a comprehensive understanding of their circumstances.
  • Timely Reports – Accessing a central system for data and reports.
  • Improved Outcomes – Tracking progress and measuring the effectiveness of services to identify areas for improvement.

A Seamless Connection to Available Services

Located in One Accessible Application


Many states and regions have recognized the need for change and are beginning to embrace the concept of a "no wrong door" approach to coordinated service delivery. This universal approach seeks to eliminate the silos that exist between agencies and organizations – creating a more seamless and human-centered experience for those relying on government services. This shift towards a “no wrong door” system aims to ensure that individuals and families can access the services they need through a single point of entry, regardless of where they seek help initially.


VOS Connect streamlines data collection for available government and community programs and gives individuals a single common application to apply for services and benefits for which they may qualify. The system links individuals to potential programs and determines their eligibility for services – giving them a convenient and simple way to apply for multiple programs without having to access several different systems.

VOS Connect is the perfect solution to assist customers in understanding and navigating available benefit assistance programs from a single portal.

A Fully-Integrated Common Intake

For Unified Program Management


VOS Connect includes a comprehensive, fully integrated, self-service Common Intake wizard that allows an individual to apply for multiple benefit programs and to populate the downstream case management systems that are a part of the system. Both the individual and staff can view the status of all the workforce programs that individual is participating in. All eligible partner programs share the common data that staff enter via the Common Intake wizard. This prevents duplication of effort and provides a head start for program data entry.

A Centralized Data Hub

For Information Sharing Between Partner Agencies


Multiple systems interact with VOS Connect to send and receive data, enabling privileged data sharing among all the state partner agencies and stakeholders for mediation and management. The power of an integrated system such as VOS Connect is that it stores services entered by these diverse mechanisms in the same location and allows access to them via the same screens and reports to help states analyze data, monitor performance, and improve efficiency.


By providing access to comprehensive and accurate data, this tool can facilitate informed decision-making, identify areas for improvement, and measure the impact of services. Additionally, a streamlined reporting tool can automate reporting processes, ultimately reducing administrative burdens and freeing up resources for other critical tasks.

Learn More About How VOS Connect Can Unify Your

Workforce Program Management