Geographic Solutions has extensive experience providing training and knowledge transfer support for users all across the country. We realize that each individual’s learning process varies, and that the staff organization of each agency can be vastly different. Our knowledgeable trainers work with our clients to create a training plan that is unique to each agency’s individual needs. Curriculum can be facilitated both onsite and remotely, as well as tailored to the perspective of a job seeker, employer, or staff member.
Our trainers provide multiple options of teaching, including distance-learning, webinar, classroom, or computer-based training to deliver a multi-faceted experience to our clients. Real-world examples are emphasized in hands-on classroom exercises and workshops using the latest computer hardware and software technology.
We have developed several types of resources that assist with the training process, including manuals, instructional videos, user guides, and quick reference documents – all of which are designed to guide users through the features found in our software. Each piece of documentation has been curated specifically for the different user types found in our systems.
Our company is committed to providing ongoing training in addition to the initial training that is conducted when a system is launched. Learning is an active process and routine user training is a beneficial service we provide to all our clients. Our free training resources include live and recorded webinars, training tip PowerPoints, and monthly client conference calls.
We provide training for system upgrades, change orders, or other approved and coordinated changes to a client’s system. Our trainers work closely with agency staff to improve the training process on a continual basis to confirm readiness of staff to use the system effectively.
To Fit Your Unique Agency Needs