Paid Family Leave

Supporting the Unique Needs of Paid Family

And Medical Leave Programs Across the Country


In recent years, more and more states have enacted paid family and medical leave programs to assist workers who take time away from their jobs to deal with a medical condition, to bond with a new family member, or to care for a loved one experiencing a health issue.


Geographic Solutions offers an integrated online solution that provides the necessary tools to process paid family and medical leave claims quickly and accurately.

Supporting the Unique Needs of Paid Family

and Medical Leave Programs Across the Country



  • Claimant and Employer Portals

    BEN fully supports self-service functionality for both claimants and employers. Registered claimants can file initial claims, continued claims, and appeals, as well as maintain their personal and banking information. Registered employers can manage all of their separations, including protesting potential benefits.
  • Claims Processing and Intake

    BEN includes intuitive, Internet-based claim filing components, enabling a claimant or authorized staff member to file initial, additional, or reopened claims. The system consists of a multitude of advanced claim intake features, functions, and rules that facilitate the proper establishment of initial claims. From their dashboard, claimants can review and update information associated with their claim. Staff members can also make these changes for the claimant. The system logs all of these changes for audit trail purposes.
  • Claims Investigations

    The investigations processing component identifies, investigates, manages, and stores information regarding potential fraudulent application for, or collection of, unemployment benefits.
  • Benefit Payments and Charging Process

    BEN determines appropriate pay amounts and ensures payments are timely issued. Since adjustments to a claim can also result in credit to the Universal Paid Leave Implementation Fund, BEN tracks each payment and any other activity that affects the fund instantaneously.
  • Overpayments

    BEN offers a robust and flexible overpayments framework that handles multiple overpayment cases, processes inputs from throughout the system, and automatically initiates and prioritizes reimbursement procedures.
  • Monetary & Non-Monetary Determinations

    Geographic Solutions has developed an efficient claims management design that fully incorporates all tasks necessary for initial and recurring monetary calculations. From issue generation to fact-finding and issue resolution, the system supports staff efforts with sound automated processes and adjudication screens for timely decision-making and transparent process flow.
  • Appeals Management

    BEN provides full functionality for the appeals process that supports filing an appeal, validating the appeal, creating contact lists, scheduling any necessary hearings and reviews, and generating all notices.
  • Trust Fund Accounting

    The trust fund accounting process is built on the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board conceptual framework. With the system’s ad hoc reporting capabilities, authorized staff can create several reports to assist management in ensuring funds are accounted for properly.
  • Automated Document Management

    BEN includes a completely integrated document management and imaging solution. In addition, BEN offers a workflow management system that is configurable to a state’s exact requirements. The system will automatically create work items for staff based on events and configurable business rules.
  • Federal Reporting

    BEN includes a robust reports component that enables staff to generate a wide variety of summary, detailed, custom, and ad hoc reports within their assigned privileges. The system can also integrate with Microsoft Power BI for interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities.

Learn More About How Paid Family Leave

Can Benefit Your Agency