In the Headlines



Press releases from Geographic Solutions and news about our clients' sites

Geographic Solutions, in partnership with the City of Los Angeles Economic and Workforce Development Department and the City of Los Angeles Workforce Investment Board, officially announce the launch of the new JobsLA ( website.

Job seekers in Virginia now have a more convenient way to find employment. Geographic Solutions, in collaboration with the Virginia Employment Commission, is pleased to announce the launch of the new VAWorks mobile app, which is now available for download for both iPhone and Android users.

Today, Gov. Dave Heineman announced a new mobile app for smartphones and tablets to aid in searching for available Nebraska jobs.

The Tennessee Department of Labor has aligned with software company Geographic Solutions to create one of the most advanced reemployment systems in the country.

Jobseekers participating in the state Workforce Investment Act (WIA) program in Georgia now have a brand new tool at their disposal to assist them in locating training opportunities, exploring the local labor market, and accessing career tools.

Florida residents interested in obtaining new job skills, certifications or degrees can now compare training providers and programs on the Employ Florida Marketplace.

Jobseekers and employers in North Carolina now have a brand new cutting-edge tool at their disposal to assist them in finding suitable jobs, locating training opportunities, identifying skilled candidates and assessing the local labor market

The Louisiana Workforce Commission, in partnership with Geographic Solutions, is pleased to announce the official launch of HiRE. The site, a first of its kind in the country,

The California Community College Chancellor’s Office, in partnership with the State of California’s Employment Development Department (EDD) and Geographic Solutions, officially launched the new California Career Cafe site on March 11th. C

The California Employment Development Department (EDD), in partnership with Geographic Solutions, officially launched the new CalJOBS site on March 11th, a significant undertaking to modernize California’s service delivery and reporting systems by integrating software supporting the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Wagner-Peyser Act (WPA), Trade Adjustment Act (TAA), and Employment Training Panel (ETP) programs into a single, modern, integrated, Web-based information system.