Read the latest from Geographic Solutions.
What's the best way for frontline staff to get their feet wet with reporting? Watch video featuring Sr. Business Analyst Liliya Tanska to see the answer.
Geographic Solutions recently sent a group of employees from our unemployment insurance team to NASWA's Fountains of Knowledge, the 2018 Unemployment Insurance Interstate Benefits & Federal Programs Training in Savannah, Georgia.
Each spring, President Paul Toomey awards a scholarship to a Pinellas County high school graduating senior who has excelled in their pursuit of a computer-related degree.
Earlier this summer, Geographic Solutions hosted the 2018 Workforce Technology Conference at the Wyndham Grand Resort on Clearwater Beach. Learn about key presentations on labor market tools, unemployment insurance, and more.
Explore the evolution of Vocational Rehabilitation from charitable origins to modern advancements, including the impact of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1954 and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Discover how Geographic Solutions' module enhances service delivery for individuals with disabilities.
Geographic Solutions showcased innovations at the 2017 Florida Workforce Professional Development Summit in Orlando, Florida. Discover highlights from our sessions on Virtual OneStop® and tools for enhancing job centers.
Learn about the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933, its impact on the U.S. employment system, and the historical roots of national employment services dating back to 16th-century England.
In an effort to help with the rebuilding process, Geographic Solutions partnered with the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity to develop and launch the Hurricane Irma Recovery Jobs Portal.